Welcome to the ZapRap.org forums for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) discussion.
There is a new guest forum that is now read only. To read the full board and post, you will have to sign up for a membership.
Forum rules are very few and any topic is fair game (though may be moved to a more appropriate section if necessary):
1. No spam. Anything considered spam (including drive-by linkers) will be deleted.
Here is the current blacklist.
2. No suicide threats. If you're on the brink of suicide, you need to be talking to a professional, not chatting online. Suicide threats are also deleted, as they put too much burden on other members who already have emotional stressors.
3. No harassers. This has only been an issue with one individual, and the rest have enough grace to behave like human beings.
You can register here and join the ECT electroconvulsive therapy forums, learn more about personal experiences with ECT and talk with others about ECT.
In the future, I plan to begin holding monthly online chats on the topic of electroconvulsive therapy if there is enough interest. Check the guest forum for a poll so I can determine the best days and times to hold such a chat. More information will be made available at a later date, but if you'd like to be notified of upcoming chats, you can either sign up at ect.org's mailing list, register as a member here or email me at
Please put "Chat notify request" in the subject line and give me a valid email address.
Copyrights of all posts belong to the respective authors. Please be a good netizen and don't reproduce posts without asking permission of the poster. Most will gladly give you permission, particularly if your motives are sincere.